- Matu struktūras atjaunošana
- Antistatiska iedarbība
- Nenospiež matus
RICH REVITALIZING CONDITIONER uzlabo matu kvalitāti, piešķir tiem gludumu un veselīgu spīdumu. Tas nenoslogo matus, nepadara galvas ādu taukainu un ir piemērots visiem matu tipiem. Pateicoties hidrolizētajam keratīnam, tas aizpilda tukšumus bojātajā kātiņā, mitrina un piešķir elastību.
Kondicionierim piemīt antistatiska iedarbība, atjaunojot bojāto matu negatīvi lādēto virsmu. Vienkāršo ķemmēšanu un novērš sapīšanos.
Kondicionieris ir lielisks antiseptisks līdzeklis, jo satur dehidroetiķskābi, kas bloķē sēnīšu augšanu uzreiz pēc pirmās lietošanas reizes. Tokoferols uzlabo atjaunošanos, novērš matu lūšanu un nodrošina antioksidantu aizsardzību.
- Aprūpē visiem matu tipiem
- Antistatiskai iedarbībai
- Matu mitrināšanai un atjaunošanai
- Kā maska spa procedūrā
Aktīvās sastāvdaļas:
Chemically broken down into smaller molecules of natural keratin.
Maximum enriched with the amino acid cysteine. Due to the cysteine of
hydrolyzed keratin molecule is easily integrated into the structure of
hair in the area of damage and gives a sufficiently durable restorative
effect. Creates a protective film which retains moisture and gives
elasticity to the hair. Moisturizing the hair significantly reduces the
electrification of the hair, which gives an excellent antistatic effect.
Effectively restores hair, improves its appearance, and makes it smooth
and shiny.
Antiseptic has bactericidal and antifungal action. It blocks the
biosynthesis of ergosterol – one of the most important components of
cell membranes of microorganisms: the process of tissue respiration of
cells is disturbed, and the ability to divide decreases. Fungal
reproduction stops immediately after the first use.
Has a positive charge, due to which it neutralizes the negative surface
charge of the skin and hair. Has a conditioning effect. Prevents tangles
and makes combing easier. It envelops the hair in a thin film making it
less frizzy and smoother.
Participates in tissue respiration processes, supports the immune system
(including skin barrier immunity) by protecting the reproduction of
immune system cells. This powerful antioxidant is essential for
stabilizing biological membranes. By inhibiting the formation of
peroxide lipids, it restores their structure and function. By
participating in reactions with lipids, it forms a low-energy tocopherol
radical, which does not contribute to the continuation of chain
reactions with membrane lipids, but can restore its antioxidant
properties with the help of other antioxidants, such as vitamin C.
Preserves and enhances the effect of vitamin C on the skin and
strengthens the hydrolipidic layer. It is a natural sunscreen that
protects the skin from UV rays and slows down the aging process. Vitamin
E is an indispensable component in the care of eyelashes. It activates
the processes of growth and regeneration, affecting the hair follicles,
and also prevents their fragility, providing them with antioxidant